Some spoofing attacks take the form of social engineering (think real-life Jedi mind tricks that take the form of fake websites, emails, and phone calls), while others target your network infrastructure to gain access to your systems and data. Spoofing is an advanced persistent threat and if you’re identified as a vulnerable target with multiple weak links and attack vectors, hackers will continue to come after you until you either give them an opening or close up your weaknesses. To make matters worse, these are almost never one-off attacks.

Spoofing attacks take advantage of your trust and technology to use them against you and gain access to sensitive information, infrastructure, and even your livelihood. It is the intentional act of camouflaging malicious actors and intent under the guise of legitimate behavior. Sure, “spoofing” sounds like a funny word but when it comes to security it is anything but. “Spoof” sounds like a sound effect for an airbag going off in a car or something.

Setting aside the implications of major cyberattacks like the Solar Winds breach, there are countless tried-and-true methods for cybercriminals to extract precious information from your business, like spoofing. Not to worry, I’m here to help you prevent cyberattacks and protect your business from wannabe digital thieves. Now that I’ve given you a glimpse into my mind on the state of cybersecurity, you can understand when I tell you that you can’t be too careful when venturing your business into the Wild West of the internet. It’s astounding what boredom and economic stagnation will drive people to. What’s worse is initiating yourself into this world in 2020, after a 600% increase in cybercrime during the COVID-19 pandemic. Once you’re been initiated into the world of cybersecurity, you start feeling like a hammer and every little irregularity starts looking like a nail.

Take control of your security and recognize the patterns of all types of spoofing attacks. “Spoofing” sounds funny but the consequences of a successful attack on your business are nothing to laugh at.