Comment out this line and uncomment the line below it, which should read PLTLIB = libPltDP.a. Open up the make file and then make the following changes. Use the cd command to switch to the Xfoil/plotlib/ directory. Then run the following ~]$ make -f Makefile_DP ~]$ make -f Makefile_DP ~]$ cd ~]$ bin/osgen osmaps_ns.lst Step 2 – Build the Plot Library Look for the line # Uncomment for Intel Fortran Compiler, and then comment out everything related to the Intel compiler.Change FLG = -O -r8 to FLG = -O -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8.bin/ and edit the make file, MakeFile_DP. Change this line to DATA OSFILE / ‘ is what was just copied before. Edit the file osmap.f and look for the line DATA OSFILE / ‘/var/local/codes/orrs/osmap.dat’ /. Copy the ouput from pwd, and then cd into the src/ directory. Use cd to switch into the Xfoil/orrs/ directory and then run pwd. Step 1 – Build the Orrs-Summerfield Database Extract the source tar file, cd into the directory Xfoil, and then follow the steps below. To get started first download the source file from. Alternatively, you can try to individually install the certain packages that are needed just to build Xfoil. Not everything downloaded from the development group is needed to install Xfoil.

Before trying to build Xfoil, run the command sudo yum groupinstall “Development Tools”. I used the gcc and gfortran compilers, and if you choose to use different ones, then some of the compiler flags may be different.

These are the steps that I went through to build Xfoil using double point precision on Fedora 12.