A1 and Sheet3 B2.UPPER function cannot make cell look at itself and perform the function Excel 2003.See the Use function key shortcuts section for information about how to enable and use function keys without having to press Fn.Im looking for a vlookup formula which will give me the maximum number from a list which contains multiple matches i.e.This will prevent two words combining in to one when you remove the carriage returns.I uploaded a copy of the spreadsheet What I would like to happen is have the text from Sheet1 D4 automatically be placed in Sheet2 A1 and Sheet3 B2. The D4 should automatically be placed in Sheet2. I have uploaded a copy of the table what I want to happen is that the text in the Sheet1. This prevents two words from connecting to one when removing carriage returns. See feature function key combinations for information on how to enable and use function buttons without Fn.Im looking for a Cushings VLOOKUP formula that gives me the maximum number from a list that contains multiple hits i.e. And the CHAR function will help you insert line breaks in between. I have just tested this and it works, provided that if there is no line break there shall be a space: Sub test () Dim rex As RegExp, ran As Range Dim col As Integer, headerText As String read you headerText here Set rex New RegExp rex.Pattern RegexIt (headerText) For Each ran In Range ('1:1') If rex.test (ran.Text) Then col ran.Column. On Windows, the character code for the line break is 10, so well be using CHAR(10). Excel Carriage Return In Cell Code For The.

The UPPER function cannot cause the cell to look at itself and Excel 2003. In case you are combining data from several cells and want each part to start in a new line, the best way to add a carriage return is by using a formula.